History of music
Music Aesthetics and Philosophy
Music pedagogy
Music therapy
Music and culture
Performance practice
Music notation
Music technology and electronics
Musical styles
Literature - fiction
Literature - non-fiction
Children 's books
Books about music
Chants libres - Le free jazz en France, 1960-1975
24.50 €
Charles Aznavour (De beste zanger die ooit geleefd heeft)
10.00 €
Child Composers in the Old Conservatories
34.50 €
Choirbook of the Burgundian Court Chapel
81.00 €
Choir Builders
44.95 €
Choir Builders for Growing Voices
29.95 €
Chopin: Pianist and Teacher
53.95 €
Chopin's Letters
23.30 €
Chopin: The Man and His Music
16.00 €
Chopin Vu par ses Elèves
35.50 €
Choralbuch (unvollendet) (Complete edition, facsimile)
128.00 €
Chorale Arrangements (Score, Anthology, Urtext edition)
309.00 €
Choräle und geistliche Lieder, Teil 1 (Complete edition, critical commentary, Anthology)
79.00 €
Choräle und geistliche Lieder, Teil 1 (Full score, Anthology, Urtext edition)
182.00 €
Choräle und geistliche Lieder, Teil 2 (Complete edition, critical commentary, Anthology)
160.00 €
Choräle und geistliche Lieder, Teil 2 (Full score, Urtext edition, Anthology)
184.00 €
Choralis Constantinus - Tomus I
39.00 €
Choralis Constantinus - Tomus II
49.50 €
Choralis Constantinus - Tomus III
29.80 €
Choralkonzerte und Choralsätze und mehrchörige Konzerte und 3 Chorsätze zu 4 to 6 Stimmen- (Full score, Urtext edition, Anthology)
163.00 €
Choral Singing Step by Step: 11 Concise Lessons for Individual or Choral Ensemble Use
13.95 €
Choral Works with Keyboard und gemischte Chöre- (Full score, Anthology, Urtext edition)
151.00 €
Choral Works with Orchestra (Full score, Urtext edition, Anthology)
649.00 €
Chor Visionen in MusikEssener Thesen zum Chorsingen im 21. Jahrhundert-
34.50 €