The Anton Webern collection
This collection of songs from a master composer centers on the use of romantic lyricism during his early compositional period. This scholarly work with detailed notes by editor Matthew R. Shaftel, focuses on songs written before university, during his university years, and while under the tutelage of his mentor Arnold Schoenberg. The songs are lyrical and reflect Webern's love of nature. The pieces in this book include 23 songs that have been revised and corrected from earlier printings, as well as the printing of five previously unpublished songs. This unique repertoire is great for recitals and is wonderful for the serious lieder singer.
- Vorfruhling
- Vorfruhling II
- Wolkennacht
- Tief von fern
- Wehmut
- Fromm
- Nachtgebet der Braut
- Gebet
- Aufblick
- Sommerabend
- Blumengruss
- Heimgang in der Fruhe
- Der Tod
- Freunde
- Heiter
- Gefunden
- Liebeslied
- Hochsommernacht
- Ideale Landschaft
- Bild der Liebe
- Nachtliche Scheu
- Am Ufer
- Himmelfahrt
- Helle Nacht
- Erwachen aus dem tiefsten Traumesschosse
- Kunfttag I
- Trauer I
- Das lockere Saatgefilde lechzet krank