Advents- und Weihnachtslieder. Chorbuch für gleiche Stimmen
70 arrangements of Christmas carols for choirs with two to four
Soprano and alto voices, mainly with piano accompaniment. In
cooperation with Landesakademie für die musizierenden Jugend in
Baden-Württemberg, Ochsenhausen
The repertoire of this choral collection ranges from the Baroque
via the Romantic era to modern choral music. New settings of
well-known Christmas songs have been especially composed for this
collection. Two third of the arrangements are for Coro SSA and
piano, about one third for Coro SSAA a cappella. Many renowned
composers contributed to this choral collection (Ludwig Böhme,
Jürgen Essl, Bobbi Fischer, Clytus Gottwald, John Høybye,
Grayston Ives, Tilman Jäger, Fredo Jung, Ko Matsushita, Colin
Mawby, York Sommer, Józef ?wider, Alan Wilson). Many of the
contemporary arrangements draw on jazz and swing styles, or on pop
music. The repertoire is suitable for Advent, Christmas, the New
Year and Epiphany. In the conductors volume includes a CD (Ulmer
Spatzen Chor, Hans de Gilde) with selected arrangements.