Songs of a Rainbow Nation
Songs Of A Rainbow Nation: four songs from South Africa
Hamba Lulu A wedding song with a gentle, comforting rhythm.
Jesu Ukukhanya A song with a call-and-response structure where a simple solo line is followed by a choral answer.
Si Njay, Njay, Njay A joyful exuberant song with an infectious rhythm which can also be performed a cappella with some optional percussion for greater effect.
Weeping is a South African pop song from the band Bright Blue and uses as its chorus the refrain from the Zulu anthem N'kosi Sikeleli Africa (God Bless Africa).
These songs are arranged for soprano and alto, and combined men's voices with a straightforward piano accompaniment..
The arrangement is part of the Choral Basics Series ideal for beginner choirs and for choirs in which the male singers are few or at the stage when their voices are changing.