Christmas for female voices
Over the centuries a lager international repertoire of Christmas carols has emerged from which this collection has been drawn. The size of the volume should allow it to be used quite comfortably by singers on stage. Nonetheless singers from all countries should be able to find most of thier favourites. br> The arrangements can also be performed by children's choirs, omitting some parts ad lib. All are flexible and can be performed bny a single voice with piano. The parts are truly vocal, so that experienced singers should be able to sight-read easily. br> br> Content:
- Adeste fideles
- Angels from the realm of glory
- A virgin most pure
- Away in a manger
- Deck the hall!
- Entre le boeuf et l'ane gris
- Es wird scho glei dumpa
- Fröhliche Weihnacht überall!
- Go, tell it on the mountain
- I saw three ships
- Leise rieselt der Schnee
- Macht hoch die Tür
- Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
- O Jesulein süß
- Quando nascette Ninno
- Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
- Stern über Bethlehem
- The angel Gabriel from heaven came
- We wish you a merry Christmas
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern